06 December 2020

Welcome back to the Week That Was series where I highlight a few things from the interwebs which I thought were interesting, noteworthy and probably worth your time.

Articles📝, Tweet(s)📱, Videos🎥, Charts 📈 all fair game with or without attendant commentary.


🚢 Shipping




🧳✈️ HK -> UK

The UK’s history with Hong Kong, and overtures to would-be HK émigrés is having a visible effect on immigration from the island.



🤑 Expensive Companies

Mega-cap Price to Sales multiples are pretty eyewatering at this stage.



Visualization of the United Arab Emirates Population Density in 2020



📲 2020’s Apps


💵📉 Tech Cost Deflation

Extraordinary falls in the costs of photovoltaic technology have seen the price of electricity from solar decline by 89% in the last decade.


PV Cost


It may not seem immediately obvious (because of the log scale and having to invert the measure) but as YC’s Paul Graham notes, this graph showing the plummeting cost of 66 technologies over time - is really showing society’s wealth increasing massively.



In this article 📝Our World In Data unpacks why renewables became so cheap so quickly, and the potential implications for green growth.


🎨 Nucleus


Nucleus. Jason Anderson. Oil on Linen, 2020.


💸 Brrrrr

It’s graphs like this which fuel the would-be Gold Bug & Bitcoin Maxi, who watch with concern as central banks worldwide open the money-printing spigots.

According to 📝Harry Robertson 20%(!) of all the US Dollars to ever go into circulation were printed this year…



📹 Greenscreen

Great integration of a handball player via greenscreen into a live broadcast by Danish TV2


🦠🧼🖐💦⚕ Greenzone

Many months into the pandemic this graphic gives a sense of it’s continuing spread dynamics in the US

[OC] USA COVID cases syringe from r/dataisbeautiful


Per Adam Tooze, although there is much to cheer in respect to vaccine progress - there’s still plenty to concern.



With December holidays on the horizon it’s worth continuing to push for meeting outdoors - when you are meeting up. Evidence hasn’t abated for prolonged indoor exposure spread.


🎨 Quarantine & Chill

Quarantine & Chill



🖌️ Paint

The old classic returns via in-browser javascript at this link: https://jspaint.app/



💬 Quotes

A few lines from George Horace Lorimer’s “Letters from a Self-Made Merchant to His Son”:

“I want to say right here that the easiest way in the world to make enemies is to hire friends.”

“A business man’s conversation should be regulated by fewer and simpler rules than any other function of the human animal. They are: Have something to say. Say it. Stop talking.”

“Remember that when you’re in the right you can afford to keep your temper, and that when you’re in the wrong you can’t afford to lose it.”


🎨 H.E.R.


H.E.R., Jaroldcadionart, Coffee, 2020


📸 Oh…and one more thing



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Thanks for reading. Tune in next week. And please share with your network